Umrah journey to Mecca & Medina

December 15-22, 2024 

Come to Mecca & Medina, but do not settle for only performing the rituals of Umrah.
Come and do the rituals, and do so with heart, from the heart.
Come, and see  the Ka'ba as the very symbol of the heart.
Come, and see God in the heart, as the blessed Prophet said: God cannot be contained in heavens and earth, but the heart of God's loving devotee suffices God.
Go between Safa and Marwa, and see it as the struggle of our mother Hajar, an alone and tired mother away from her community. And reach out to pray for today's Hajars.

Join us on this year's Illuminated Tours Umrah program, December 15-22nd, 2024.  
Email [email protected] to get all the details and logistics.

A portion of the proceeds of this Umrah journey will be donated to Palestinian humanitarian relief.


Secure your spot

Are you looking for something far beyond the ordinary experiences of Umrah, where you are treated one in a crowd, and do the rituals without the chance to be taken inside the rich symbolism and meaning?

Do you yearn to go into the heart of the experience in Mecca & Medina?

Join us! 

Announcing our Umrah program in Mecca and Medina from December 15-22, 2024 through Illuminated Tours. 

This is our third Umrah program, and we are delighted to extend an invitation to all interested Muslim friends.

Here are some details about the program: All the accommodations are exquisite, and first-rate.  We strive for a spiritually oriented program.  Our programs are usually female-majority. 

In Mecca, we will stay in Jabal Omar Hilton Makkah. We will also have a pilgrimage to other holy sites, including the birth home of the beloved Prophet, as well as some of the sacred sites around Mecca insha’allah.  

In Mecca, we will include lectures insha'allah on the inner symbolism of the Ka'ba as the heart, as well as the inner meanings of the Umrah ritual.

Accommodations in Mecca. 

Our hotel in Mecca is a five minute walk to the Ka'ba.  The Jalal Omar Hilton hotel is an oasis in between the times of prayer at the Ka'ba.  


Our Umrah is a journey of love.  Love for God, love for the Prophet, love for the friends of God, love for the family of the Prophet, and love for all who love the Prophet.

 Come with us, and we will go together insha'allah to the very spot where the Habib (S) is said to have been born, and we will share traditional accounts of the experiences of Hazrat Aminah, the blessed Prophet's Mother.



Insha'allah we will meet in Jaddah on December 15th.  The official program will end on the 22nd.  You could leave from Medina (most people do a multi-city ticket), although it is possible to also take the train from Medina back to Jeddah and make it a round trip.  

December 15th:  arrival in Jeddah.  (we will have two transfers to Makkah)
December 16, 17th:  Umrah in Makka, plus visit of historic sites
December 18th:   take train/bus to Medina insha'allah.
December 19, 20, 21st, Medina
December 22nd:   depart from Medina.(Or if you prefer, from Jeddah)   


In Mecca, we will stay in Jabal Omar Hilton Makkah. We will also have a pilgrimage to other holy sites, including the birth home of the beloved Prophet, as well as some of the sacred sites around Mecca insha’allah.  

In Mecca, we will include lectures insha'allah on the inner symbolism of the Ka'ba as the heart, as well as the inner meanings of the Umrah ritual.

To experience all that and more, join us in Umrah this year!

Yes, I'm interested!

Why explore Morocco with us?

Over the last twenty years, about a thousand friends from twenty countries have joined us in these journeys to Turkey and Morocco.   These gentle explorations of sacred cultures are designed to rejuvenate your heart and soul, engage the intellect, and refresh the spirit.  Our Illuminated Tours to Turkey and Morocco are designed to be a gentle and deep immersion, far beyond touristic headlines and cliches.  Our goal is nothing less than learning about the heart of this rich, ancient, and thriving sacred culture, and in the process, your own heart.

Our Tour Leaders:


Omid Safi

Omid's love for the traditions of Morocco and Turkey is contagious, and has ignited a love for these sacred places in the hearts of both those new to this place and seasoned travelers alike.  He is a professor at Duke University specializing in Islamic spirituality and contemporary thought. Omid has published extensively on the foundational sources of Islam and Sufism. 

His Memories of Muhammad is a biography of the Prophet Muhammad.  His most recent book is Radical Love:  Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition (published by Yale). 

Omid is an award-winning teacher, having been nominated ten times for professor of the year awards.  On Illuminated Tours, you will receive the same passion for sharing of knowledge and enthusiasm in creating a community.

Learn more about Omid

What might you get to see & experience?

We will begin our journey together in Marrakech, spend a few days exploring this magnificent city, then go for a magical overnight excursion in a desert oasis, before moving to Fes.  Along the way, we will have a stop over in Rabat.   In Fes, we will explore the medieval secrets of this magnificent city, and undertake a pilgrimage to Moulay Idriss, the Tijani shrine, a mosque that Ibn 'Arabi undertook a retret in.  We arrange for all the logistics of your travels inside Morocco.  In every city we will combine on-site lectures with evening discussions.


Marrakech is a feast for the senses, and the heart.  We will explore institutions of learning such as Madrasa Bin Yusuf (Ben Youssef), explore the ancient Jewish quarter, and visit the iconic Kutubiyya (Koutoubia) Mosque.  We will also use our profound connections in Marrakech to explore rarely visited Sufi shrines, and the most extraordinary women's NGO in Morocco, AMAL.  At every turn, you will know that you are having access to places that few visitors to Marrakech do.

Kutubiyya Mosque

Shrine of Moroccan Sufi Al-Jazūlī (d. 1465)

Visit Sufi shrines with our Moroccan Sufi friends to learn about their teachings

Rarely visited Sufi shrines

Jama' al-Fana (Jemaa el-Fnaa)

Delicious Food from AMAL, the leading women's NGO in Morocco

Madrasa Bin Yusuf

"Dalā’il al-Khayrāt" (Guide to Goodness) by Al-Jazūlī was perhaps the most popular devotional text for blessings on the Prophet Muhammad (S).


Fes is a gem.  It may well be the world's best preserved medieval medina (traditional Islamic city).  The thousand year old city lay out is itself a work of marvel, and will fill you with a sense of awe. You know you are in a place with a different sense of history when you realize that the "New Fes" (Fes el-Jedid) hails from the 13th century. We will visit ancient 14th centuries universities like Madrasa Bou Inania and Attarine.  We will look for an old master, the Last Comb Maker, who may be a key for understanding the transmission of sacred arts. Some of us may visit the Qarawwin, which may well be the oldest university in the world--and one founded by a woman.  Or the Tijani shrine which is a major pilgrimage center for Sub-saharan Sufi pilgrims.  Or who knows, maybe we will visit the very mosque that the great Ibn 'Arabi used for his retreat. And God-willing, we will have a private Sufi ceremony one of our last evenings.

Al-Qarawwin - the world's oldest University

The world's best preserved medieval medina.

Beauty permeates this city

Tijani shrine in Fes, a destination for many Senegalese pilgrims

Crafts build the very foundation of traditional Moroccan society

Al-Qandusi's magnificent 19th century calligraphy "Allah" in the Moulay Idris Zawiya in Fes

Learn about traditional Moroccan Craftsmanship

Take a walk to a very unique Sufi Shrine

Let us explore the heart of the world together, rejuvenate your soul & make lifelong friends.

Our sacred Caravan - A Word about Group Travel 

Some of you are veterans of traveling in a group context, for others this is a new experience.  Our programs are by intention intimate, designed to foster a sense of community and collective seeking.  Most of our travelers have never traveled in a group before, and you may not have either.  But together we can undertake this journey, and insha'Allah make life-long friendships. 

 It is admittedly an unusual experience, where for a few days you will spend many hours in the company of new friends.   Many people, I dare say most, find it extraordinary how friendships can form and deepen in such a short amount of time, and you may well come away with friends for a life-time.  Others may become mindful of how they need a few hours each day for private reflection and solitude.  There is no one right way, and we will honor each others' needs.

It is the qualities of our journey (openness to cultural exploration, spiritual seeking, and refinement of community) that have attracted our participants.  Those common qualities often serve to form meaningful friendships.

We ask all of us to treat our group as a community, and to look out for the welfare of all.  These simple acts of kindness go a long way towards making a happier experience for everyone. 

Here is one of the lovely hidden gems of our sacred caravan:  Many have dreamt of coming on Umrah.  In retrospect, they also talk about how meaningful the friendships they have made have come to mean to them well after the safe return home.

*COVID UPDATE: We are optimistic that the situation of COVID-19 may allow us (insha'Allah, God willing) to resume our Tours to Morocco in March 2023.  [We hope to have a separate program to Turkey in June 2023.] Participants will be asked to follow the guidelines of the CDC & WHO, plus the policies of Illuminated Tours. In 2023, we will again require full proof of COVID vaccination.  For further details, check the FAQ at the bottom of this page. 

Cost & Registration 

We are honored you read all the way until here. If this journey sounds like a good fit for you,
we would love to have you email us using the link below to answer any lingering questions and help your get registered.

Cost of Land-only portion, per person, based on double-occupancy:

$ 4,450

  Further details about the refund policy are in the FAQ section below.


We are unable to offer single room accommodations on the Umrah journey.

Any Questions?
Ready to sign up?

We would love to have you with us on this journey, and help you register!

Please send us an email at [email protected]

Send Email

Testimonials from past Participants

Over the last twenty years, about a thousand friends from twenty countries have joined us in these journeys to Turkey and Morocco. Here are just a couple of feedbacks from past participants:

Gol Joya J. 

"Dr. Omid Safi's Educational Program and Tour was immensely rewarding for me. I had the opportunity to see and do things which would not have been possible otherwise: visits with Sufi scholars, trips to little known mosques and shrines; and learned things I would not have found in a guidebook: insights into historical sites and monuments. Dr. Safi's poetic and mystical commentary brought a whole new meaning to seemingly lifeless objects in museums. In addition to all this, I met a wonderful group of people of all ages, from whom I learned, but also had a really fun trip."

Michael A.

"Luckily, after my initial day of acclimation, Illuminated Tours welcomed me and diverse travelers with open arms. From get-to-know-you orientations, to readings of and about Sufism, to shared family-style Moroccan meals inspired by faith and freshly picked food, our group became like a family over 10 days. Our visits to the shrines of Marrakech and Fes were purposely slow and prayerful, as our guides elaborated the history and religious context for each shrine. We were privileged to share in prayers with several local Islamic communities. And our riads served as serene places for reflection, refreshment, and respite with new friends. Omid and Courtney (...) are patient, kind, generous, inspired, experienced, and knowledgeable -- perfect for such an excursion. (..) Courtney Erwin is a longtime resident of Morocco with degrees and 20 years of experience in international law, Islamic studies, human rights, and interfaith relations. I counted on her for many practical details of my journey, as well as her love of Moroccan culture in all its idiosyncrasies. Thanks to them, I am not only determined to explore Istanbul with Illuminated Tours in the future, but also to explore Morocco again and reinforce the spiritual and cultural lessons of my first trip."

Prof. Tehseen T.

"Prof. Safi considers it a privilege to share his immense knowledge of the aesthetic and historic aspects of the many, many places you experience and people you get to know in these weeks. He has a gift for teaching through stories full of rich anecdotes and much humor. Along with this careful guidance he makes sure that everyone has the space to be their own guide. I learnt so much, from everyone. The entire trip is impeccably organized with the utmost care given to detail."

Jeff G.

“This tour was merely the beginning of a lifelong journey of understanding and reflection, I can’t think of a better guide on the path than Omid and Illuminated Tours.” 

Would you like to experience Illuminated Tours Morocco for yourself?

Send us an email at [email protected]

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It would be a joy to share Illuminated Tours with you!
As our Turkish friends say; Ashk Olsun! (May it be filled with love!)

Copyright of Pictures:
Dalā’il al-Khayrāt of al-Jazūlī is from the Royal Library of Morocco, Rabat.